Breaking down the Prompts for our first (trail) Anthology. Since Discord is not everyone’s cup of tea, here is the basics of the Cards based on the Citadel Oracle deck. These are not the full description, but part of them. (Copyright and all.)
The Fate – Court/Fire
Represents Accepting Help & Guidance.
Some unexpected help Unexpected help, or guidance from an unexpected source. (Reversed) You have assumed the role of Fate and are keenly aware of the tangled lives of those around you. Help them, and you may just help yourself.
The Enchanter – Academy/Air
Represents Deception & Trickery
You may be in a situation where you’re forced to deceive another (intentional or not), and run the risk of being caught. Is it worth the risk or the reward? (Reversed) Addresses the repair of relationships after receipt comes to light. The loss of trust and reconciliation.
The Merchant – Crowd/Earth
Represents Self Worth & Trade
You have plenty to offer yourself and others, and sometimes, it’s beneficial to remind yourself what you have in stock. If you feel like you are being taken advantage of, raise your ‘prices’ — Or maybe your figurative wares would be appreciated elsewhere. (Reversed) Life is full of hagglers, and there are those around you who demand and demand without offering anything in return. You’re the only one who can decide what you are and aren’t willing to give; find the strength to say ‘no’ when needed, and use that time for yourself instead.